Sector by sector: Towards Feasible Tanzanian Anti-Corruption Strategies; on 29th October at 17:00–19:00 UTC @ SOAS, University of London WC1H 0XG

On Monday October 29th we have a seminar at SOAS on Tanzanian anti-corruption strategies. The main speaker will be Antonio Andreoni, Senior Lecturer in Economics at SOAS University of London ad Research Director of the Anti-Corruption Evidence (ACE) Research Consortium. Antonio is also Visiting Professor at the University of Johannesburg, Convenor of the Industrial Development and Policy Research Cluster at SOAS and Member of the SOAS Centre for African Studies. Antonio has published extensively on industrial development, manufacturing firms, ecosystems and technological change, governance and policies in both developed and developing countries, especially Tanzania, South Africa and Ethiopia. Antonio acted as advisor for several UN Agencies, including UNIDO, ILO, UNDP, UNCTAD and UNECA, as well as the World Bank, DFID and various government agencies. Antonio holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge.

There will also be other speakers, to be confirmed and a general discussion led by Godlisten Pallangyo from Britain Tanzania Society. Everyone welcome!

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